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Premium by Policy Type

This report shows the total California premium (including taxable fees) and transaction count for Surplus Lines policies registered by the SLA, broken down by policy type, over three time periods.

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Policy Type June 2024 May 2024 % Change 2024 YTD Monthly Avg 2023-2024 Monthly Avg % Change 2023 YTD Monthly Avg 2022-2023 Monthly Avg % Change June 2023
New Business $737,265,606.03 $664,934,306.64 10.88% $702,445,821.94 18.23% $594,138,928.95 100.00% $580,176,552.95
Renewal $759,708,589.81 $599,797,126.61 26.66% $643,833,361.97 2.41% $628,682,662.77 100.00% $648,925,344.59
Extension $12,918,726.64 $17,811,830.87 (27.47%) $18,001,800.17 17.94% $15,262,908.73 100.00% $9,970,892.06
Endorsement $69,453,406.31 $97,127,811.89 (28.49%) $108,722,188.42 38.28% $78,627,412.31 100.00% $61,359,085.81
Audit $32,612,010.46 $26,227,745.68 24.34% $25,272,619.93 (32.10%) $37,218,693.88 100.00% $26,450,761.51
Cancellation $(28,953,032.00) $(41,370,884.24) (30.02%) $(33,664,034.17) 10.52% $(30,459,039.53) (100.00%) $(35,284,573.23)
Total $1,583,005,307.25 $1,364,527,937.45 16.01% $1,464,611,758.25 10.66% $1,323,471,567.10 100.00% $1,291,598,063.69
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Policy Type June 2024 June 2023 2023-2024 % Change MoM
% Change
2024 YTD 2023 YTD 2023-2024 YTD % Change
New Business 41,199 25,123 (9.71%) 63.99% 244,391 153,485 59.23%
Renewal 25,712 27,407 (11.54%) (6.18%) 169,887 165,800 2.47%
Extension 1,130 1,214 (19.86%) (6.92%) 8,018 9,843 (18.54%)
Endorsement 11,884 16,788 (24.11%) (29.21%) 85,158 90,964 (6.38%)
Audit 2,054 3,465 (44.67%) (40.72%) 17,808 19,637 (9.31%)
Cancellation 4,467 4,774 (25.64%) (6.43%) 31,343 27,241 15.06%
Total 86,446 78,771 100.00% 9.74% 556,605 466,970 19.20%